‘Oh, that my words were recorded, that they were written on a scroll, that they were inscribed with an iron stylus upon lead, or engraved in rock forever! I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.’ Job 19: 23-25. NIV©
My heart beats in tune with Job’s. He wants his audience to know that the Lord Jehovah is active in his life, and while some situations prove difficult, God will triumph in the end. Job could justifiably say, I understand what you are going through, and I am qualified to write about it. Writers are encouraged to tell what they know because their story will be plausible and resonate with the hearers.
We most often wish we didn’t have to pass through the experiences that are visited upon us as we walk the path of life, however it is as a result of our acquaintance with joy or sorrow, success or pain, blessing or disaster that we develop into the persons we become.
When we tell about our pleasurable occurrences we inspire and give hope to our audience. A participant, at a singles event I helped to facilitate, said to me, “we singles want to witness your healthy marriages, because that instils hope in us — we see that it is possible to have a lasting relationship.”
To write about our excruciating adversities is cathartic, and it also helps our readers to identify with us, and realize their thoughts and feelings are understood — disclosing our reactions can normalize others emotional responses.
Christian Fiction is a form of creative expression that allows me to vicariously explore my beliefs through the exploits of my characters. While maintaining traditional and ethical values that give meaning to life, my poems and stories examine commonly held assumptions and challenge the status quo.