Living In Christ

Dear friends, it’s in the Father’s house we find deep settled peace

Our anguished prayers, those bitter cries his touch alone will cease

Worship the Lamb. His blood atones — vanquished the shameful curse

To know the One who redeems our life is to hear his gentle voice

His promise is sure, He disappoints never. ‘I will be with you now and forever.’


Shaped by the skilful Potter’s hand new creatures to Christ akin

Purged on the altar, surrendered lives are fitted to serve the King

Though seeing Him not, we trust Him still, our Comforter within

We’re filled with inexpressible joy for this new song we sing

His promise is sure, He disappoints never. ‘I will be with you now and forever.’


Seated upon His Kingly throne His power sustains, and souls inspire

Stirring our minds, refining our hearts, His honour our sole desire

We reflect His light as shining stars in a broken, lost sinful world

Until that Day He vowed long ago, we embrace His living Word

His promise is sure, He disappoints never. ‘I will be with you now and forever.’


Our faith transparent to the sons of men that God might be glorified

The good fruit declares, it is to Christ the One True Vine we’re tied

Love one another as He has loved you. It is His wise command

Grow not weary of doing good till He calls you home as He has planned

His promise is sure, He disappoints never. ‘I will be with you now and forever.’

Carnell ©

God’s Word enlightens us:

  1. God CREATED mankind, male and female in his image for his glory, and that he desires to be in a relationship with us (Genesis 1:27, Isaiah 43:71, Corinthians 1:9).
  • People walked away from intimacy with God and chose to follow their own course, became LOST (Isaiah 53:6).
  • God had a PLAN to redeem his creation (1 Peter 1:20).
  1. Christ the SAVIOUR of souls carried our cross, suffered, died and rose again that our relationship with the Father might be restored (John 15:13).
  • People who accept the SON are assured in their FAITH (1 John 5:11-13).
  1. The Holy SPIRIT lives within our souls that we might have an intimate fellowship with God (John 10:10).
  • People who rediscover intimacy with God learn to hear his voice of reason, learn to trust him and regain HOPE (Romans 15:13).