Call of the Wattlebird Excerpt
New Edition: Call of the Wattlebird, now available on Kindle. Easter— the time we Christians remember and celebrate with gratitude the death and [...]
New Edition: Call of the Wattlebird, now available on Kindle. Easter— the time we Christians remember and celebrate with gratitude the death and [...]
’Tis in God’s loving presence you’ll find peace Tumultuous tempest in your heart does cease His promise is sure, he disappoints never ‘I [...]
Hiatus: A change of scene enhances our lives, but we still call Australia home! To travel and observe the wonders of God’s creation [...]
God is… The mystery of things unseen is hidden in the heart of hope There light dawns upon the mind that looks [...]
Incongruity: Rebel bumbles in foggy absurdity Avoids the path leading to clarity Plays games designed to fully corrupt Cynical, scoffing, abandoned to lust [...]
He (God) makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He guides me [...]
Dystonia is a debilitating neurological condition that can affect any part of the body. I have cervical dystonia, however, many people, including children [...]
Living In Christ Dear friends, it’s in the Father’s house we find deep settled peace Our anguished prayers, those bitter cries his touch [...]
Truth is not a construct. Truth was, is and ever more shall BE. The Apostle Paul in his letter to the Rome [...]
How do we see others with disabilities? Do we love them and realize their value despite their weakness? As we mature, we learn, [...]